Sunday, January 17, 2010

Oak Grove Park

Between rain storms the sun came out. I rushed out to a nearby park to take some pictures. I've been enjoying HDR. I'm taking three to five exposures of every composition lately. This one is from 5 different exposures (0,-1,+1,-2,+2). I'm digging it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Almaden QuickSilver Park (English Camp)

More pictures from English Camp at Alamaden QuickSilver Park in San Jose. These were taken last weekend.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Almaden QuickSilver Park

We went on a hike in Almaden QuickSilver park on Saturday. I took my new camera bag on the hike. These pictures were taken at English Camp. They are HDRs from three exposures.